Airborne / UAV

The use of geophysical instruments with aircrafts (UAV, helicopter, fixed wing, etc.) for larger scale surveys or to map remote areas. more

Borehole Logging

Method of deploying geophysical instruments in a borehole or well to collect a variety of data in-situ. Probes are lowered into the hole with a motorized winch, and data is transferred through the winch's wireline to a data logger on the surface. more


Instruments to inductively measure the conductivity of a geological sample or the subsurface. Options range from handheld conductivity meters for drill core and samples to sensors for geological mapping, environmental investigation, and soil studies. more

Electromagnetics (EM)

Electromagnetic methods use the principle of induction to measure the electrical conductivity of the subsurface. more

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)

A non-destructive method that utilizes radio waves to image and map structures and features within the subsurface. GPR is a method used for locating buried metallic and non-metallic objects, mapping underground structures and geology, and concrete investigations. more

Induced Polarization (IP)

Electrical current is injected into the ground to determine the chargeability of the subsurface. A wide range of receiver options are available, including distributed wireless receivers and multi-channel receivers with the ability to deploy a large number of electrodes for 2D and 3D imaging. Multiple transmitters with varying power outputs are also available. more

Magnetic Susceptibility & Physical Properties

Magnetic susceptibility is characterized by the ability of a substance to be magnetized when exposed to an external magnetic field. Other physical properties measured include conductivity, induced polarization (IP) / resistivity, and density. more


Magnetometers measure variations in the Earth’s magnetic field. These variations can be the result of a mineral deposit, geological structure or buried objects. Gradiometers utilize an additional sensor to delineate near surface targets. more

Resistivity Meters & ERT Systems

The injection of electrical current into the ground to measure the resistivity of the subsurface and define its structure. Multiple electrical resistivity systems are available, including resitivity meters for sounding investigations, and ERT systems to deploy multiple electrodes for 2D and 3D imaging. more

Scintillometers & Spectrometers

A range of gamma-ray scintillometers and spectrometers for measuring gamma radiation and infrared spectrometers for measuring the reflection and absorption of infrared waveforms. more


A method of studying the propagation of elastic waves through the Earth's subsurface. Various techniques are used for different applications, from refraction and reflection investigations to surface wave studies (MASW). more


A range of software programs to visualize, process, interpret, and manage geophysical data. more

Potassium Magnetometers

A range of high precision and sensitivity potassium magnetometers / gradiometers for aerial surveys. Magnetometers measure variations in the Earth’s magnetic field and gradiometers utilize an additional sensor to delineate near surface targets. more

VLF Systems

Very Low-Frequency (VLF) systems for airborne / UAV surveys. VLF is a passive electromagnetic method that utilizes distant, globally positioned transmitters to induce secondary responses in conductive geologic units to determine overlying conductive materials in the subsurface. more


Gamma-ray spectrometers designed for UAV surveys. These instruments measure the total intensity of gamma radiation and the concentration of a wide range of radionuclides, including Potassium (K), Uranium (U), and Thorium (Th). more

Electromagnetics (EM)

Frequency domain EM sensor for UAV surveys. This method measures the magnitude and phase of the induced currents, which are related to the subsurface electrical conductivity, at different frequencies. more

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)

Drone-borne ground penetrating radar. GPR is a non-destructive method that utilizes radio waves to image and map structures and features within the subsurface. more

Hyperspectral Imaging

Hyperspectral imaging sensors for use with UAVs. Used to identify materials based on how light behaves when it hits a subject, hyperspectral imaging obtains multiple spectra of data for each pixel in the image of a scene. more

Data Loggers

Used to acquire data collected by geophysical probes deployed in a borehole or well. more


Used to deploy geophysical probes within a borehole or well. The wireline is used to transmit data to the surface logger and power the probe. Different winches are available with varying lengths of wireline. more

Downhole Probes - Integrated Systems

A range of geophysical probes are available that cover a broad scope of measurement parameters, in either stackable Quick Link (QL) or standalone versions. All probes are compatible with the data loggers and winches. more


Software programs to visualize, process and interpret borehole geophysical data. more

Handheld Systems

Handheld meters for measuring the conductivity of geological samples, including drill core and outcrop. more

Portable Systems

Portable, multi-frequency conductivity systems ideal for shallow and deep applications. System options include multi-frequency sensors to map conductors in the subsurface, detect geological anomalies, or for site investigations. more

Ground VLF Systems

Very Low-Frequency (VLF) systems for ground surveys. The VLF survey technique is a passive electromagnetic method that utilizes distant, globally positioned transmitters to induce secondary responses in conductive geologic units to determine overlying conductive materials in the subsurface. more

Airborne/UAV VLF Systems

Very Low-Frequency (VLF) systems for airborne / UAV surveys. The VLF survey technique is a passive electromagnetic method that utilizes distant, globally positioned transmitters to induce secondary responses in conductive geologic units to determine overlying conductive materials in the subsurface. more

Frequency Domain EM

Measures the magnitude and phase of the induced currents, which are related to the subsurface electrical conductivity, at different frequencies. System options include multi-frequency EM sensors to map conductors at shallow depths and a horizontal loop EM system for deeper applications, like groundwater and mining exploration. more


Audio-frequency magnetotellurics (AMT) is an electromagnetic method that measures naturally occurring currents flowing in the subsurface. A transmitter can be used to supplement the natural field, known as controlled-source AMT (CSAMT). A hybrid source transmitter can be used (HSAMT), which is a more portable, less powerful option than the transmitter used for CSAMT. more

Proton Magnetic Resonance

Proton magnetic resonance enables the direct detection and quantification of groundwater and allows for the estimation of permeability, specific yield, pore size, and other properties. more


Software to visualize, process and interpret EM geophysical data. more

Ground Exploration Systems

GPR systems for investigating the Earth's subsurface. Options include the Ground Explorer, featuring hyper stacking HDR technology, and the Professional Explorer, a multi-channel control unit capable of operating a broad range of antenna frequencies. more

Utility Locating

A range of systems for detecting and mapping underground utitlies and buried metallic and non-metallic structures. more

3D Array

3D imaging radar arrays for larger-scale object identification and subsurface mapping. more

Rough Terrain Antennas

Low frequency antennas with a slim, snake-like design. Ideal for collecting data on surveys with uncut lines or thick bush. more

Borehole Antennas

GPR antennas for use in boreholes. Antennas can be deployed for both single-hole surveys and cross-hole tomography. more


Software to visualize and interpret ground penetrating radar (GPR) data, including 2D and 3D data processing and mapping. more

Distributed Array

Wireless IP receivers to create distributed arrays for high resolution 3D data and deeper exploration. more


A range of receivers for collecting IP data with up to 20 simultaneous channels. more


A range of transmitters with varying power outputs for IP and resistivity surveys. more


Software to visualize, process and manage IP geophysical data. more


Range of accessories for IP and resistivity surveys, including electrodes, field wire and reels. more

Conductivity Meters

A range of instruments for measuring the conductivity of geological samples, including drill core, outcrop, and soil investigations. more

Laboratory Equipment

Instruments for collecting physical property measurements of samples in a laboratory environment. more

Ground Magnetometers

A range of ground magnetometer / gradiometer systems with varying levels of sensitivity, gradient tolerance, and sample rates. Systems can be integrated with a VLF sensor. more

Observatory & Earth Monitoring

Systems for long and short-term monitoring of the time-varying magnetic field. Scalar and vector magnetometer options are available, as well as a 3-axis scalar gradiometer for very high sensitivity measurements. more

Ground VLF Systems

Very Low-Frequency (VLF) systems for ground surveys. The VLF survey technique is a passive electromagnetic method that utilizes distant, globally positioned transmitters to induce secondary responses in conductive geologic units. more

Airborne/UAV VLF Systems

Very Low-Frequency (VLF) systems for airborne / UAV surveys. The VLF survey technique is a passive electromagnetic method that utilizes distant, globally positioned transmitters to induce secondary responses in conductive geologic units. more


Software to visualize, process and interpret VLF geophysical data. more

Resistivity Meters

A range of resistivity meters with varying power outputs and up to 20 simultaneous channels. more

ERT Imaging Systems

A range of ERT imaging systems with varying power outputs, up to 20 simultaneous channels, and switching capacity. more


Software to visualize, process and manage resistivity geophysical data. more


A range of accessories for resistivity systems, including monitoring units, electrodes, field wire and reels. more


Gamma-ray scintillometers and spectrometers measure the total intensity of gamma radiation. Spectrometers have the added advantage of determining the concentration of Potassium (K), Uranium (U), and Thorium (Th). more


Infrared spectrometers measure the reflection and absorption of infrared waveforms when directed towards a rock sample for mineral identification and analysis. more


A range of seismographs for recording the propagation of seismic waves through the Earth's subsurface. more

Land Geophones

Vertical, horizontal and 3-axis land geophones in a range of frequencies. Different connector options available. more


Geophone and hydrophone arrays for collecting seismic data in boreholes. more


Seismic hydrophone streamers for marine applications. more


Software to visualize, process and interpret seismic data. more


Software to visualize, process and interpret seismic data. more

Borehole Logging

Method of deploying geophysical instruments in a borehole or well to collect a variety of data in-situ. more

Electromagnetics (EM)

Electromagnetic methods use the principle of induction to measure the electrical conductivity of the subsurface. more

Magnetic Susceptibility & Physical Properties

Magnetic susceptibility is characterized by the ability of a substance to be magnetized when exposed to an external magnetic field. Other physical properties measured include conductivity, induced polarization (IP) / resistivity, and density. more


Magnetometers/Gradiometers measure variations in the Earth’s magnetic field for mineral exploration, mapping geological structures, or detecting metallic objects. A magnetometer combined with VLF-EM sensor is also available. more

The MIRA Compact 3D GPR Array is Here

Introducing the MIRA Compact, the next-generation 3D GPR array solution for high-detail mapping of the subsurface. Using a 500 MHz centre frequency, the MIRA Compact can collect up to 30 data channels simultaneously through the use of any transmitter-receiver combination in the whole array. With its 6.5 cm channel spacing, it allows for the collection of precise, high resolution data. Designed and optimized for any hand-pushed 3D GPR mapping project, the MIRA Compact is an ideal solution for increasing productivity across a wide-range of applications, including utility mapping, archaeological prospection, and general ground investigations. Interested in testing the all new MIRA Compact? Terraplus will soon have a system available in our rental pool. Contact us to learn more. more

New High Power Transmitters

Introducing the TIP 6000 and TIP 12000 high power 6 kW and 12 kW transmitters for time domain IP and deep resistivity surveys. These new transmitters offer current and voltage regulation with high stability, allowing for exceptionally accurate measurements. We’ve now added the TIP 6000 to our rental pool. Contact us to learn more and try it for yourself. more

Introducing the Easy Locator Core

The Easy Locator Core is the latest generation GPR solution for utility locating professionals, featuring wireless data collection and the all new MALÅ AI for real-time interpretation support. It’s compact and lightweight, easy-to-use, and cloud-connected to MALÅ Vision for instant processing in the field. The newly launched Easy Locator Core is also available for rental. Contact us to learn more and test the system for yourself. more


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DRONEmag UAV Magnetometer for Rent

The DRONEmag UAV magnetometer is now available for rent, joining our rental AirBIRD as an additional UAV magnetometer rental solution. The DRONEmag comes complete with high-sensitivity GSMP-35U sensor, GPS, and laser altimeter. With the included Li-ion battery, the total system weight is 1.8 kg, making it an ideal choice for a variety of drone platforms. Interested in a rental? Contact us to learn more. Photo Credit: MWH Geo-Surveys more

Hyperspectral Imaging Sensors Now Available

We’re excited to announce the addition of a wide-range of hyperspectral imaging sensors for sale. Hyperspectral imaging allows for the accurate classification and identification of minerals based upon chemical signatures obtained in the shortwave-infrared (SWIR) region. It also enables several other remote sensing applications from agriculture to civil infrastructure inspection. Sensors are available for a variety of spectral ranges, from UV-VIS to SWIR and beyond. These high-resolution instruments are small, lightweight, rugged, and feature a wide field of view. They can be integrated with GPS, IMU, and LiDAR for use on UAVs or other aircrafts and are also available as pan-and-tilt, rotary-stage, and scanning kit configurations for ground applications. more

Holiday and Lockdown Update

Please note that the Terraplus office will be closed for the holidays between December 25 and January 3, with our last working day being December 24. As Terraplus continues to be considered an essential business in Ontario based on the recent lockdown guidance, we will be reopening on January 4, 2021. Happy holidays from the Terraplus team and all the best for the New Year! more

Introducing the GPR Controller App

The Controller App for GPR data acquisition is now available for use with App-Enabled products, such as the GroundExplorer’s WiFi antennas. Running on recommended Android devices, the Controller App is a cost-effective alternative to our existing GPR monitor solutions and allows for the efficient and wireless collection of data in the field. It also provides direct access to MALÃ… Vision cloud-based services, such as data storage, analysis, processing, interpretation and reporting on GPR data and projects. Learn more about the Controller App in our updated brochure for the GroundExplorer GPR system.   more

WellCAD Version 5.4 Is Here!

WellCAD v5.4 is now available, featuring a new Core Shifter and structure reorientation tool as well as a fully revised Full Waveform Sonic module with new Velocity Analysis workspace. Refer to the Release Note for additional information on what’s new. For customers under the Maintenance & Support plan, WellCAD v5.4 is included in your subscription. Contact us to update your license to the latest version. If you haven’t subscribed yet and are interested in learning more, we’d be pleased to speak with you about the benefits and latest updates available. more

Introducing the Atom-3C Seismic System

Terraplus is pleased to introduce the Atom Passive Seismic System, now available with a 3-channel option. The Atom-3C is designed to obtain 3-component microtremor measurements for HVSR surveys (with one unit) as well as for joint Rayleigh-Love wave analysis (with multiple units deployed in a distributed array). The system is unique in that it does not rely on traditional and heavy spread cables. Users are no longer constrained by preset spacing/geometries or by site conditions such as high traffic areas, roads, and driveways. The Atom-3C is a complete solution, composed of individual acquisition units, each with 24-bit A/D conversion, GPS-controlled timing, 8 GB of internal data storage and an adjustable sample rate. 2Hz and 4.5Hz 3-component geophones are also available as an option. more

GPR Promotion

We’re pleased to announce a new GPR promotion for summer 2020. Customers who schedule and attend a GPR demo with Terraplus by September 30 are eligible to enter a raffle for a refurbished Easy Locator EXM+ GPR system with Rough Terrain Cart. Demo participants will also receive a $500 USD credit to be used towards the purchase of a new GPR system within 4 weeks of the demo completion date. If you’re interested in GPR and would like to take advantage of this promotion, contact us to learn more. more

AirBIRD UAV Magnetometer for Rent

The AirBIRD UAV Magnetometer System, complete with GSMP-35U sensor, is now available for rent. Designed specifically for UAVs, the AirBIRD provides the highest sensitivity and absolute accuracy on the market, with the smallest heading error. In addition to its GSMP-35U Potassium Magnetometer, the system also includes a laser altimeter for altitude tracking/post-processing, IMU for bird and sensor orientation, GPS navigation, and radio link for real-time data transmission. If you’re interested in a rental, contact us to learn more. more

D230A UAV Spectrometer for Rent

The D230A UAV Gamma-Ray Spectrometer, complete with 2 BGO detectors and telemetry module, is now available for rent. The system allows operators to simultaneously measure the dose rate, total intensity of gamma radiation, and intensity of energy windows corresponding to K, U, Th, plus a wide-range of man-made radionuclides. Designed specifically for UAVs, the D230A allows operators to complete surveys more efficiently than comparable ground instruments without the increased cost of large airborne systems. If you’re interested in a rental, contact us to learn more. more

Introducing the Cardinal UAV Magnetometer

Terraplus is pleased to introduce the ultra lightweight Cardinal UAV towed-bird magnetometer system. Weighing only 1.5 kg, the Cardinal can be used with a wide-range of drone platforms and comes with an optically pumped Potassium magnetometer, GPS, IMU and battery – all within an aerodynamic housing. The Cardinal joins the DRONEmag and AirBIRD product line-up and provides operators with a new UAV magnetometer solution that combines the benefits of an ultra lightweight magnetometer with the real-time data transmission, stability, and weather protection of a towed-bird system. more

Introducing the MIRA HDR 3D GPR Array

Terraplus is pleased to introduce the MIRA HDR, a large area 3D GPR mapping solution with the highest data quality and resolution on the market and highway speed survey capability. The system takes full advantage of the MALÅ HDR technology and can collect up to 132 data channels simultaneously by pairing any combination of the array’s receiver and transmitter antennas during data collection. Multiple carrier options are available to adapt the system to a variety of applications, from utility and cavity detection to road surveys and archaeological prospecting. more

COVID-19 Update

Terraplus is deemed an essential business in Ontario based on the updated guidance provided on April 3, 2020 and remains open as we continue to support and serve our customers during this challenging time. Our sales, rentals, and support departments are operational but working with a reduced staff while others work from home. The best way to contact us during this time is through our Contact page or via email at the following: For sales and rentals – For technical support – For shipping and receiving – For accounting – Safeguarding the health and wellbeing of our employees, customers, and suppliers is our top priority. We are continuing to monitor and follow the guidelines and requirements from Government Public Health Authorities and will adjust and review as new information is made available. more

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About Português

QUEM SOMOS A Terraplus atua no mercado há mais de 30 anos e é hoje um dos maiores fornecedores mundiais de instrumentos geofísicos. Temos uma grande variedade de produtos disponíveis para venda, que utilizam vários métodos geofísicos, como: Perfilagem de Poços Medidores de Condutividade Eletromagnetismo (EM)* Georadar (GPR)* Polarização Induzida (IP) Susceptibilímetros e Propriedades Físicas Magnetômetros* / VLF* Resistivímetros e Sistemas ERT Cintilômetros e Espectrômetros* Sísmica * Também disponível para drones (veículos aéreos não tripulados) e / ou plataformas aéreas more

About Français

À PROPOS En affaires depuis plus de 30 ans, Terraplus est devenu l’un des plus importants fournisseurs d’instruments de géophysique au monde. Nous offrons une large gamme d’instruments de géophysique pour la vente, notamment: Diagraphie de forage Conductivitémètres Électromagnétique (EM)* Géoradar (GPR)* Polarisation Provoquée (PP) Susceptibilitémètres et propriétés physiques Magnétomètres* / VLF* Résistivitémètres et systèmes ERT Scintillomètres et spectromètres* Sismique * Également disponible sur les plates-formes UAV et / ou aéroportées more

About Español

QUIÉNES SOMOS Terraplus es una empresa con más de 30 años de experiencia y ha crecido hasta convertirse en uno de los mayores proveedores mundiales de instrumentos geofísicos. Contamos con una amplia gama de productos para la venta, los cuales emplean una variedad de métodos geofísicos, tales como: Registro de Pozos Medidores de Conductividad Electromagnetismo (EM)* Georadar (GPR)* Polarización Inducida (IP) Susceptibilímetros y Propiedades Físicas Magnetómetros* / VLF* Resistivímetros y Sistemas ERT Cintilómetros y Espectrómetros* Sísmica * Disponibles también con drones (vehículos aéreos no tripulados) y / o plataformas aéreas more

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Events Terraplus regularly attends a variety of conferences throughout the year. Come visit us at the following upcoming events. more

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INDUSTRIAL As the world rapidly develops, the need to build new and improve existing infrastructure increases every day. Geoscience can be used for industrial applications, such as detecting underground utilities, investigating concrete for rebar and conduit mapping, and sinkhole analysis. The following geophysical methods can be used for industrial applications: Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Resistivity Electromagnetics (EM) Seismic more

Geotechnical Engineering

GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING Geotechnical engineering uses the principles of soil mechanics and rock mechanics to investigate subsurface conditions and materials. Geotechnology plays a key role in all civil engineering projects built on or in the ground, as well as in the assessment of natural hazards (earthquakes, landslides, sinkholes, etc.), the monitoring of site conditions, and structural design. The following geophysical methods can be used for geotechnical engineering: Electromagnetics (EM) Seismic Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Resistivity Borehole Logging more

Environmental & Engineering Investigations

ENVIRONMENTAL & ENGINEERING INVESTIGATIONS Environmental science is the study of the natural environment and its relationship to the human world. Data collected from the environment is used to study and understand the effect of human activity and its impact, to solve a range of issues, including hazardous waste contamination and pollutant mapping. Collected data can be used by scientists to identify environmental problems, find solutions, and make decisions to achieve the project’s goal. Geophysical methods for environmental and engineering investigations include: Electromagnetics (EM) Resistivity Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Magnetometers Seismic more

Water Exploration

WATER EXPLORATION Water is one of the most important resources for supporting life on Earth. Access to clean water is vital for human nourishment, agriculture, and developmental activities. With water resources depleting or becoming unusable, the need to find sustainable, clean water sources is more critical than ever. The following geophysical methods can be used for groundwater exploration: Resistivity Electromagnetics (EM) Borehole Logging Seismic more

Mineral Exploration

MINERAL EXPLORATION Mineral exploration is the search for materials within the earth’s subsurface to be extracted and processed. Our dependence on minerals for use in everyday life (construction, manufacturing, technology) is growing and mineral exploration plays an important role in meeting this increasing demand through the discovery of new resources. There a number of geophysical methods that can be used for mineral exploration, including: Magnetometers Magnetic Susceptibility Electromagnetics (EM) Induced Polarization Borehole Logging Seismic Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) more

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Contact form 1

Your Name (required) [text* your-name] Your Email (required) [email* your-email] Subject [text your-subject] Your Message [textarea your-message] [submit "Send"] 1 Terraplus "[your-subject]" Terraplus From: [your-name] Subject: [your-subject] Message Body: [your-message] -- This e-mail was sent from a contact form on Terraplus ( Reply-To: [your-email] Terraplus "[your-subject]" Terraplus [your-email] Message Body: [your-message] -- This e-mail was sent from a contact form on Terraplus ( Reply-To: Thank you for your message. It has been sent. There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later. One or more fields have an error. Please check and try again. There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later. You must accept the terms and conditions before sending your message. The field is required. The field is too long. The field is too short. The date format is incorrect. The date is before the earliest one allowed. The date is after the latest one allowed. There was an unknown error uploading the file. You are not allowed to upload files of this type. The file is too big. There was an error uploading the file. The number format is invalid. The number is smaller than the minimum allowed. The number is larger than the maximum allowed. The answer to the quiz is incorrect. The e-mail address entered is invalid. The URL is invalid. The telephone number is invalid. more

RMA Request Form

RMA REQUEST FORM Should your instrument require service or repair, please complete the Return Material Authorization (RMA) form and follow the shipping instructions below. more

We've Moved!

Please note that Terraplus has relocated to a larger facility just down the road at 120 West Beaver Creek Road, Unit #15 in Richmond Hill, Ontario (L4B 1L2). All equipment should now be sent to our new location. more

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy [wpautoterms company_name] ("us", "we", or "our") operates the [wpautoterms site_name] website (the "Service"). This page informs you of our policies regarding the collection, use and disclosure of Personal Information when you use our Service. We will not use or share your information with anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy. We use your Personal Information for providing and improving the Service. By using the Service, you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this policy. Unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy, terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meanings as in our Terms and Conditions, accessible at Information Collection And Use While using our Service, we may ask you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information that can be used to contact or identify you. Personally identifiable information ("Personal Information") may include, but is not limited to: Name Email address Telephone number Address Log Data We collect information that your browser sends whenever you visit our Service ("Log Data"). This Log Data may include information such as your computer's Internet Protocol ("IP") address, browser type, browser version, the pages of our Service that you visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on those pages and other statistics. Cookies Cookies are files with small amount of data, which may include an anonymous unique identifier. Cookies are sent to your browser from a web site and stored on your computer's hard drive. We use "cookies" to collect information. You can instruct your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, if you do not accept cookies, you may not be able to use some portions of our Service. Service Providers We may employ third party companies and individuals to facilitate our Service, to provide the Service on our behalf, to perform Service-related services or to assist us in analyzing how our Service is used. These third parties have access to your Personal Information only to perform these tasks on our behalf and are obligated not to disclose or use it for any other purpose. Security The security of your Personal Information is important to us, but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. While we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your Personal Information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security. Links To Other Sites Our Service may contain links to other sites that are not operated by us. If you click on a third party link, you will be directed to that third party's site. We strongly advise you to review the Privacy Policy of every site you visit. We have no control over, and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies or practices of any third party sites or services. Children's Privacy Our Service does not address anyone under the age of 18 ("Children"). We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 18. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with Personal Information, please contact us. If we discover that a child under 18 has provided us with Personal Information, we will delete such information from our servers immediately. Compliance With Laws We will disclose your Personal Information where required to do so by law or subpoena. Changes To This Privacy Policy We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. You are advised to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes. Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective when they are posted on this page. Contact Us If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us. Last updated: [wpautoterms last_updated_date] more

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions Please read these Terms of Use ("Terms", "Terms of Use") carefully before using the website (the "Service") operated by [wpautoterms company_name] ("us", "we", or "our"). Your access to and use of the Service is conditioned on your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms. These Terms apply to all visitors, users and others who access or use the Service. By accessing or using the Service you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you disagree with any part of the terms then you may not access the Service. Intellectual Property The Service and its original content, features and functionality are and will remain the exclusive property of [wpautoterms company_name] and its licensors. Links To Other Web Sites Our Service may contain links to third-party web sites or services that are not owned or controlled by [wpautoterms company_name]. [wpautoterms company_name] has no control over, and assumes no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third party web sites or services. You further acknowledge and agree that [wpautoterms company_name] shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content, goods or services available on or through any such web sites or services. We strongly advise you to read the terms and conditions and privacy policies of any third-party web sites or services that you visit. Disclaimer Your use of the Service is at your sole risk. The Service is provided on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis. The Service is provided without warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement or course of performance. Governing Law These Terms shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Canada without regard to its conflict of law provisions. Our failure to enforce any right or provision of these Terms will not be considered a waiver of those rights. If any provision of these Terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable by a court, the remaining provisions of these Terms will remain in effect. These Terms constitute the entire agreement between us regarding our Service, and supersede and replace any prior agreements we might have between us regarding the Service. Changes We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at any time. If a revision is material we will try to provide at least 30 days notice prior to any new terms taking effect. What constitutes a material change will be determined at our sole discretion. By continuing to access or use our Service after those revisions become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised terms. If you do not agree to the new terms, please stop using the Service. Contact Us If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us. Last updated: [wpautoterms last_updated_date] more



About Us

About Us Terraplus has been in business for more than 30 years and has grown to become one of the world's largest suppliers of geophysical instruments. We have a wide range of products available for sale, which employ a variety of geophysical methods, including: Borehole Logging Conductivity Meters Electromagnetics (EM)* Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)* Induced Polarization (IP) Magnetic Susceptibility & Physical Properties Magnetometers* / VLF* Resistivity Meters & ERT Systems Scintillometers & Spectrometers* Seismic * Also available in UAV and/or airborne platforms more


We have a comprehensive rental inventory of geophysical instruments, including systems for UAV, surface, and borehole applications. See below for the equipment available for rental. more


Support We have an in-house technical department that can provide training and support as well as perform repairs for a range of equipment (including warranty repairs for certain product lines). more


APPLICATIONS Terraplus is one of the world’s largest suppliers for the sale and rental of geophysical instruments with products that span a wide spectrum of applications. more


Contact Us If you would like to receive a sales quote, rental pricing, or require any other assistance, please contact us using the form below. Alternatively, we can be reached at 1.905.764.5505 or via email at more

Introducing the KT-20 Curved Sensors

We are pleased to announce that curved sensors for measuring drill core are now available for the KT-20 Physical Property Measuring System. The curved sensors offer the highest sensitivity for measuring magnetic susceptibility or conductivity, while producing consistent, repeatable measurements. The curved sensors are available in dedicated sizes for BQ, NQ, HQ and PQ core diameters, in frequencies of 10 kHz or 100 kHz. more

Introducing the Higher Sensitivity KT-10H

Terraplus is pleased to introduce the KT-10H Magnetic Susceptibility Meter and KT-10H S/C Magnetic Susceptibility/Conductivity Meter. The KT-10H and KT-10H S/C include the same benefits as the other KT-10 models, but have higher sensitivities for measuring magnetic susceptibility (10-7 SI units). The KT-10H and KT-10H S/C are only available with circular coils. more

Full-Waver 3D Distributed System Now Available for Rent

We have added a Distributed System for IP surveys to our rental pool. The system consists of 20 V Full Waver two channel receivers (40 simultaneous channels), one I Full Waver single-channel recorder to log the electrical current from the transmitter, Full Waver Designer software to design the survey grid, and Full Waver Viewer processing software. The distributed system is geometry free, allowing the operator to deploy the autonomous receivers anywhere in the grid. The receivers remain stationary while the transmitter is moved through and around the grid, which enables the operator to collect true 3D data. The system is compatible with most IP transmitters, including the Tipix and VIP series. more