
Laboratory Equipment

Instruments for collecting physical property measurements of samples in a laboratory environment.

CORELA Spectral Gamma-Ray Logger

Modular system for lab or in-situ gamma-ray and K-U-Th concentration pattern logging. Designed for drill core scanning.

CoreScan 3 Digital Drill Core Imaging System

360° drill core imaging; Can be combined with CoreScan UV.

CoreScan UV Ultraviolet Fluorescence Imaging System

For the distribution of mineral oil or fluorescent minerals; Can be combined with CoreScan 3.

Hyperspectral Scanning Systems

Motorized stage, full illumination, and all necessary software to hyperspectrally scan small sample sizes.

ANCORELOG Analytical Core Logging System

Multi-sensor drill core logging system. Sensors include hyperspectral and RGB imaging, XRF, and Raman.